
Since 1982, Mokoro has been delivering consultancy and research. Through technical assistance, monitoring and evaluation expertise, and support for sustainable development, Mokoro works to improve the wellbeing and livelihood opportunities of disadvantaged people. We worked with Mokoro throughout 2024 on the design and build of their new website, to provide a more user-friendly, accessible and sustainable website that effectively illustrates their wealth of expertise.

What we did

  • Website Design & Development
  • UI/UX
Mokoro website mocked up on phone

An important part of the Mokoro website was the projects function, which served as a repository for all the completed projects the team had carried out. With the existing website last updated in 2015, it was felt that there were improvements to be made to the layout and navigation, to enable resources to be able to be found more efficiently. We worked closely with the Mokoro project team to define a new information hierarchy with improved page logic and menu structure. We also implemented a new project tagging feature which enables the list of projects to be easily searchable.  

Homepage Lighthouse Performance Score
CO₂ per page load
Project Page Lighthouse Performance Score

Working with Oxygen to redesign our website was a perfect fit for a values-driven organisation like ourselves. Oxygen shared our commitment to getting the product right, it was very much a ‘we’re in this together approach’ which was really appreciated. Their flexibility was helpful particularly when we weren’t entirely sure what we wanted the final site to look like, they worked through our indecision with us, being adaptable when things didn’t transpire as initially envisaged.

Sam BoyleBusiness Administrator - Mokoro
Mokoro homepage

Bringing the brand to life

We used elements of the Mokoro brand throughout the new website; such as the Mokoro wave and feature colours blue and orange, which were tested to meet contrast and accessibility standards. We brought their thematic expertise to life with newly designed iconography, and focused on ensuring their organisational values were front and centre.

The new website is a powerful tool that now effectively showcases their extensive expertise and mission to improve the livelihoods of disadvantaged communities. By enhancing the user experience, particularly through the revamped projects function, we’ve made it easier for visitors to explore and access Mokoro’s valuable resources. The updated design has not only modernised their online presence but also ensured that the website is fully accessible and sustainable for the future.

View the Mokoro website
Mokoro website mockup

Over the duration of the project Oxygen and Mokoro fostered a real sense of collegiality, and we became friends as well as colleagues. Owing to their team, we now have a refreshed website we are very happy with.

Sam BoyleBusiness Administrator - Mokoro